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Does Pepipost support Multitenancy ?

Does Pepipost support Multitenancy ?

Wordpress - charset utf-8

Hi, how i can set the correct special charset "utf-8" in wordpress mails with your plugin? Only when i send mails with your server, the special chars don't shows correctly. WP mail() sends correct. Testmail: S�perli test Süperli test2 Test: "Österreich" br Tom

Sending pdf link (as href with button) in the html content

Hi team, I'm trying to send an email with content type html. And the html contains a button with href link as : https://icrmimages2.hkrtcdn.com/admin_file/file-1038937122/1593759665016.pdf When I hover over the button, I can see that this link is converted to something like : http://delivery.pepisandbox.com/QKGJANX?id=110052=dh0EAwMCVQNQSARSAlUIUwhWBUg=Sg1eQFBWVllISFBeUQRNclBADFEKQFgLVABbAkoDG1dWCEsHBAECB1cMBwACVwYBBgNSAh5cQBZCXxdMXANZXU8ARU8fSFRAD0tQXlEDW0ocUQpbTWV/JXgkdjsHD1FIT1c=&fl=XRVAQkEIShkLV0YPWwhZBF0VBxpRDkVCUlxfHgVXXB9UBVlbXG0DXw5RGwRbCV1OCVYGDABWAAcDCh4BUwECBwBYAgQHAlQATERQBA== This is however redirected to my original link, But the problem arises when I'm opening it in my phone. Whenever the link ends with .pdf, it is just opened within gmail/browser (without downloading it). But since, this link is converted to some other link by your end and .pdf is removed from it. And when it's redirected to the .pdf link, it just downloads to pdf file in the phone. I want this to be opened in browser only. Please see, what you can do here ?

Mail content issues

Hello, Some of my users complain about the fact that all special characters (french ones) are replaced by asian ones: Le 19-06-2020, la r鵮ion suivante ࠥu lieu: "R鵮ion de suivi". Vous trouverez ci-joint le rapport de r鵮ion. Durant la r鵮ion, les points suivant vous a 鴩 assign鳺 * Valider la proposition d'affichage des notes et des points d'actions dans le fichier joint "Exemple rapport modifi颼p> * Communiquer l'outil de suivi de t⣨es ࠁnastasios La derni貥 version du rapport est 駡lement disponible en ligne ici: What is going wrong with the platform?

Looping Construct for Templates?

Do Pepipost templates support looping constructs? For example, in SendGrid you can generate rows of data using {{#each [rows]}}(repeat {item.row}){{/#each}}

Gmass Integration.

I have a home business gmail account and have gmass attached to send more than one email at a time. Is it possible to pay for your service and get it setup using a gmail account. Thanks in advance for taking my question. Alan

I cannot use my account

Hi, How do i verify domain for sending

Share admin access

Can I add another user that has the same rights as me? I'd like to have another user be able to administrator our account.

Junk Mail

I do have a question. I noticed that I'm getting way more junk email than I used to receive. I used to receive almost zero junk mail. Now I'm getting 10 pieces of junk advertisements a day. Am I more exposed to junk mail marketers when I'm using Pepipost? Don


How do I eliminate the unsubscribe line at the bottom of my emails? The only emails I use are to communicate between my website and me. The emails are not going to anyone else. There is zero reason to have that line appear.