Engagement Module
Engagement Module
Make sure the email delivery time is optimal by understanding how quickly are the emails opened by the users, post delivery.
ERF(Engagement Recency Frequency) Matrix
This matrix categorizes receivers based on how frequently they engage with the client's email communications and how recently they have engaged with the client's email message. The bucketing will thus focus attention on the recipients who require attention in order to minimize churn or stagnation.
This concept is based on:
Engagement-Any engagement activity that the email's recipients would engage in, such as open and click
Regency- The last time users performed the activity
Frequency-The number of times the activity has been performed by the email receiver.
This matrix allows the user to quickly discover a group of recipients who require attention and have been active in the past but not recently, then download the contacts and target them to avoid stagnation.
Contacts can be downloaded by clicking the download icon present on the matrix for each set of recipients
It's a matrix that shows a list of recipients that can be targeted based on the bucket they fit into. In order to prevent churn or stagnation.

Categories of recipients available for open and clicks:
Need attention: These users were active in past but haven't been back recently
Loyal: These users recently engaged multiple times and have the potential to become a loyalist or star
Star: These users are your most active users. They have the highest recency and frequency score
At risk: These users have below average recency and frequency. May slip away if not engaged with
On the fence: These users have above average recency and frequency
Promising: These users have highest frequency of use and strong recency
Dormant: These users have lowest frequency and recency scores. May be lost
Hesitant :These users have above average frequency but low recency. Strong candidates to re engage
Novice: These users are your most recent users with low frequency scores. Strong candidates to encourage repeat use.
Time to Engagement
It is essential to know how quickly the recipients engaged with client communication. We have provided several graphical representations in this section to make a firm inference regarding the average time of engagement within client’s recipient base.

Please note
Insights is only accessible to our enterprise clients. Please get in touch with our support team if you are interested to avail our enterprise services.
Updated almost 4 years ago