What are the different Webhooks format?
Supported Events: We currently support Webhook on a number of events, which are:
Event | Description |
Sent | Message has been sent successfully |
Dropped | Message got dropped |
Bounced | Message has hard bounce |
Opened | Message got opened |
Clicked | Recipient clicked a link in the message; will only occur when click tracking is enabled |
Unsubscribed | Recipient Unsubscribed |
Invalid | Syntactically incorrect email ids |
Abuse | Recipient marked the message as spam |
Why can’t my Webhook or call-back URL be verified?
When you add the URL, Netcore Email API does a test HTTP(s) POST.
If the data POST is successfully accepted by your server then Netcore Email API verifies and saves the webhook URL
Event Data
Below is the sample data for each event which will show you the actual fields which were returned in the HTTP(s) POST:
Parameters Used | Supported by Events | Description |
TRANSID | All | All assigns a Unique Transaction ID for each and every email which were sent |
All | Recipient’s Email ID | |
EVENT | All | Type of Event: sent/ dropped/ invalid/ bounced/ opened/ clicked/ unsubscribed/ abuse |
RESPONSE | sent/ dropped/invalid/ bounce | Response received from the end server like Delivery Logs, Bounce reason, reason for drop(blacklisted user / already unsubscribed) |
X-APIHEADER | All | Information passed by you in the X-APIHEADER, during the time of email sent |
TIMESTAMP | All | Unix Timestamp of the occurrence of the event |
USERAGENT | opened/ clicked/ unsubscribed/abuse | User agent contains the detailed information about the browser from where a specific event in initiated. |
IPADDRESS | opened/ clicked/unsubscribed/abuse | IP address of the device from where the recipient has responded. |
Email has been successfully delivered to the receiving server:
Sample sent webhook data
An example of the full JSON that would be POSTed to your webhook URL is:
"RESPONSE":" - smtp;250 2.0.0 OK 1653392514 11-20020a0562140dcb00b004622053494esi4082475qvt.196 - gsmtp",
"EMAIL":"[email protected]",
"FROMADDRESS":"[email protected]",
Users who have already unsubscribed in past or blacklisted because of hard bounce/Spam complaints will be treated as dropped. And, no further email communication is allowed on these types of ids.
"TRANSID": 16539363635092706,
"RESPONSE": "Email dropped: User suppressed due to hard bounce",
"EMAIL": "[email protected]",
"TIMESTAMP": 1653983085,
"FROMADDRESS": "[email protected]",
"EVENT": "dropped",
"MSIZE": 2172,
"X-APIHEADER": "1612423080",
"MESSAGEID": "2b8dfb4b6d5af6f668b0ef325827cefb"
All API requests with syntactically incorrect email ids will be treated as Invalid and no further processing will be done on such ids. You can capture all such invalid events in real time and try correcting them offline.
"TRANSID": 16539363635565930,
"RESPONSE": "Invalid Email Address",
"EMAIL": "pepiposts@gmil",
"TIMESTAMP": 1653983359,
"FROMADDRESS": "[email protected]",
"EVENT": "invalid",
"MSIZE": 2182,
"X-APIHEADER": "1612423080",
"MESSAGEID": "a820f0d7379b51af42f182148700b4d2"
Receiving server could not or would not accept message because of multiple reasons like receiving server is not reachable, email id doesn’t exists etc. All such reasons are a part of Hard Bounce which will lead to the blacklisting of that email id in Netcore Email API system. There are other set of bounces which are treated as Soft Bounce, e.g. Mailbox full. These are temporary bounces.
Hard Bounce
“RESPONSE”:”smtp;550 5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try double-checking the recipient’s email address for typos or unnecessary spaces. Learn more at https://support.google.com/mail/answer/6596 z130si23626456iod.1″,
“EMAIL”:”[email protected]”,
“BOUNCE_REASON”:”email account that you tried to reach does not exist”,
“FROMADDRESS”:”[email protected]”,
Soft Bounce
“RESPONSE”:”smtp;550 5.1.1 Mail box full”,
“EMAIL”:”[email protected]”,
“BOUNCE_REASON”:”mail box full for the account you reached”,
“FROMADDRESS”:”[email protected]”,
Recipient has opened the email.
"TRANSID": 16534179664954655,
"EMAIL": "[email protected]",
"TIMESTAMP": 1653482528,
"FROMADDRESS": "[email protected]",
"EVENT": "opened",
"MSIZE": 4899,
"USERAGENT": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:11.0) Gecko Firefox/11.0 (via ggpht.com GoogleImageProxy)",
"X-APIHEADER": "1612423080",
"IS_AMP": 0,
"MESSAGEID": "6fd601064d9be7ae5711b7e9f1e31c5f",
"OPEN_TYPE": "User Open"
Recipient has clicked on a link within the message.
"TRANSID": 16539363635101463,
"EMAIL": "[email protected]",
"TIMESTAMP": 1653983278,
"FROMADDRESS": "[email protected]",
"EVENT": "clicked",
"MSIZE": 4889,
"USERAGENT": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.67 Safari/537.36",
"X-APIHEADER": "1612423080",
"URL": "https://db3.netcore.co.in/selftest_lt_webhook.php?id=1",
"IS_AMP": 0,
"MESSAGEID": "5e0f1497105159a53d1a68e101989e09"
Recipient clicked on the unsubscribe management link.
“EMAIL”:”[email protected]”,
“FROMADDRESS”:”[email protected]”,
“USERAGENT”:”Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.116 Safari/537.36″,
Recipient who marked the email as Spam
“EMAIL”:”[email protected]”,
“FROMADDRESS”:”[email protected]”,
“USERAGENT”:”Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.116 Safari/537.36″,
Can I view failed Webhook batches?
Updated 23 days ago