How to create Subaccount?
To create subaccount follow below steps:
- Click on Settings icon at left hand side menu list
- Click on ‘Subaccounts’ tab under Settings tab
- Select on ‘Create Subaccount’
- Enter following information to proceed further:
a. Username of Subaccount
b. Contact email address of Subaccount
c. By default, password of Subaccount will be set by the Subaccount itself. However, Master account would have the option to change this. If you want to set the Subaccount password, then click on the checkbox ‘I will set password for Subaccount’ and set password by entering in ‘Password’ & ‘Confirm password’ field Or click on ‘Create Subaccount’ directly, so that link to set password will be sent to contact email ID of Subaccount mentioned while creating Subaccount
Permission and features of a Subaccount:
- Can view the live feed of email (email requests, delivered, opens, clicks, bounce, abuse)
- Use email credits allocated by Master account
- Cannot create another Subaccount
- Can add multiple domains
Updated almost 7 years ago