How to integrate Netcore Email API SMTP with {different CRM/Softwares}?
There are a number of CRM/Software with which Netcore Email API can be integrated, following links will guide you to the configuration/settings of the same
- Drupal
- Joomla
- Magento
- WordPress-Netcore Email API
- WordPress : WP-MAIL-SMTP
- SugarCRM
Netcore Email API supports SMTP integrations in some forums as well :
- Vbulletin
- XenForo
- phpBB
Netcore Email API also supports SMTP integration on mail servers:
- Exchange2010
- Ssmtp
- Sendmail
- Qmail
- Postfix
- Exim
Netcore Email API SMTP can be integrated with mail clients like Apple Mail , Thunderbird, Outlook2013 etc to receive emails
If you have any other CRM/software and it has a option to add SMTP details then you can follow this link.
Updated about 4 years ago